AUSI Standards
Cover for AUSI Recreational and Vocational Snorkel and Scuba Standards (November 2015)
Associated Underwater Scuba Instructors |
in February 2015, AUSI as released a new plastic certification card for Instructors with the text "AUSI Professional" above, and the year in front of the Certification Number. From March 31st 2015 ALL Instructors must have one of the new annual Instructors cards. If you are doing an AUSI Course after 1st April 2015, please check your instructor's card for currency. The Expiry date must be shown on the card. Further, any current AUSI card must have an AUSI Watermark clearly visible in a repeated pattern across the card. AUSI cards may ONLY be purchased direct from AUSI. BEWARE of cards issued other than by AUSI - this may represent a non valid instructor certification.
Please use this address for all forms and correspondence:
Snail Mail and by appointment at:
73 Silverdale Road
Victoria 3084
Preferred method of contact
Cover for AUSI Recreational and Vocational Snorkel and Scuba Standards (November 2015)
Current AUSI Recreational Snorkel Standards (November 2015)
Current AUSI Vocational Snorkel Standards (November 2015)
Current AUSI Recreational Scuba Standards (April 2015)
Current AUSI Vocational Scuba Standards (April 2015)